Cleaning House

In recent days, I have jumped head-on into ‘out with the old, in with the new’.  I decided that I  have a way too emotional tie on things in my past.  I have a whole house of my old stuff, stuff that has made the memories of who I am up to this point.

There are pictures, concert stubs, pictures, clothes, all sorts of things.  I mean, there were pictures, concert stubs, pictures, clothes, all sorts of things.  In fact!, there is a whole half a room of stuff belonging to ThePrince.  It’s gone.  All of it!!

Well, his stuff is.

I’m still sorting through my stuff.  I was a bit melancholy to see some of the bits and pieces heading into the giant black trash bags and the giant curbside trashcan.  There were things given to me by former friends, roommates and people I cared about – but since I’m such a sentimental sap I still had them. These people no longer care for me, and I for them , so like our relationships did, they need to go.

Ohmigod! It was SO relieving to chuck that shit.  For real.  I’m working on minimizing my footprint, and you know what?  I want that footprint to be in stride with 17’s.  I’m killing two birds with one stone – cleaning out the cobwebs AND organizing myself.  All good things.

Are you holding on to stuff that used to hold sentimental value but is now just collecting dust?

By the looks of it, I’m going to have an AWESOME yard sale!
